The Great Commission that Jesus left us was to go into all the world and preach the Gospel! To do that, we must commit ourselves to be involved in spreading the Good News of salvation both locally and globally. The “Jerusalem … Judea … Samaria … and ends of the earth” from Acts 1:8 provide the backdrop for Gateway’s outreach efforts.
Gateway serves with the follow ministry partners:
Crisis Pregnancy of Tidewater (Baby Bottle Campaign, Walk for Life)
Operation Blessing (Food Provision)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Nursing Facility (Monthly Church Service)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Team Huddles)
Operation Christmas Child (Regional Collection Site).
In addition, Gateway gives financially to support church plants and mission operations in Virginia, Hawaii, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Brazil, and Moldova. Whether you see us connecting with our community at the Pungo Strawberry Festival or assisting a military family, our focus is to share the love of Christ in proclaiming God’s truth of salvation.