Our student ministry (6th-12th grade) is all about worshipping God through music and Bible teachings that have a clear message of truth. Students are challenged every week to know more about God, to be passionate lovers of God and people, and to live out their faith daily striving to make a difference.
We work hard to create environments where students can have fun, build positive relationships, learn life-changing truths from God’s Word, and be inspired to live out a faith that is real. We also encourage them to embrace God’s plan for their lives to provide meaning and purpose for their teenage and young adult years.
Students have opportunities throughout the school year and summer months to attend retreats, leadership conferences, camps, and mission trips.
High School and Middle School Teens meet for Bible study in-person each Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. In addition, throughout the year are outreach activities and fun times that take place before the Wednesday gathering, and these events are announced and added to the Student Ministry Calendar.