Opportunities to Serve

God would not give us talents, abilities, and life experiences if He did not want us to use them for His glory. We are saved to serve Him! At Gateway Church, there are a number of opportunities in which you can engage your serving capabilities for the Lord, the church, others, and our community.
The listing below is provided to help you determine which serving area appeals to you and best fits your “SHAPE” (spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, experiences). As the Lord leads you, please contact the leader of your desired service area to inform them that you are interested in being a ministry team member!

Greeter & Guest Services

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!  This “first impressions team” enlists friendly, outgoing, and connecting individuals to welcome, assist, and direct new and continuing attendees each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.  Time requirements are 30 minutes before each service and 30 minutes after each service starts.  

Coffee Shop

Love God, Love Others … Love Coffee!  Here’s your opportunity to meet, connect with, and serve others through a simple cup of coffee (and more!). The Coffee Shop is open each Sunday morning and each Wednesday evening 30 minutes prior to each service.  Time requirements are 45 minutes before each service and 15 minutes after each service begins.   


“Children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3).  And what better way to minister to young families than to love, care for, and nurture their little children!  Serving moms and dads by allowing them a time to worship and learn is vital in the spiritual development of families.  You can be an encouraging blessing on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights in one of three ways:

Baby Nursery (Newborn – Age 1) 

Toddler Nursery (Ages 1 – 2)

Preschool Nursery (Ages 3 – 5) 

Volunteer Contact Lead: ajones@gatewaychurchvb.org

Time requirements for all three nurseries are 30 minutes before each service, the duration of the service, and 15 minutes after each service. 


The opportunity to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6) is an impactful way to shape the next generation.  From greeters, to helpers, to teachers, to media assistants, to singers, and more, you will have the chance to train and inspire elementary children (grades 1-5) each Sunday morning and each Wednesday evening in one of two ways:

Kids Worship (Sunday – 10:30 am)

AWANA (Wednesday) 

Director: Joshua Horne jhorne@gatewaychurchvb.org

Time requirements both Kids Worship & Kids Construction Zone are 30 minutes before each service, the duration of the service, and 15 minutes after each service.

Upward Sports Soccer 

For you sports-minded individuals, here’s your chance to do ministry through your love of sports by teaching soccer and sharing Christ! Upward Sports Soccer takes place each spring (March-May) and invites elementary kids (K4-grade 5) to participate.  Coaches, assistant coaches, referees, and administrative assistants are needed.  Time requirements are one, 1-hour practice during the week and one, 1-hour game on Saturday mornings.    


The Psalmist said, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord” (Psalm 95:1).  Worship is more than a song that is sung, but it is our heartfelt response to give God the glory He deserves.  And if God has given you the talent to sing, to play an instruments, or to give praise to God through drama, then you can employ those abilities on Sunday mornings.  Time requirements are from 8:00 am for practice through the 9:00 am and 10:30 am worship services.


Media ministry now has greater importance than ever before as a means of amplifying the church’s message each week! More than just technical support, this ministry provides the audio and video platforms for auditorium worship services and livestream broadcasting, along with social media and church website production.  From sound, multimedia, camera, production, and photography, your unique talents can be put to valuable use each Sunday morning.  Time requirements are from 8:00 am for practice through the 9:00 am and 10:30 am worship services.  


Looking for a way to be a spiritual ambassador for the church?  If you possess a servant’s heart, a welcoming smile, and a helping hand, this ministry is your avenue assisting people in finding a seat, collecting the offering, counting attendance, and reseting and cleaning up the auditorium for Sunday morning services.  Time requirements are 30 minutes before each service, the duration of the service, and 15 minutes after each service.

Benevolence Hospitality

The Bible tells us to “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).  In times of sickness, loss, financial stress, or personal need, we have the opportunity to attend to the needs of the church and the community.  By providing financial resources, laboring physically, sending cards, taking food to those sick, or serving meals at funerals, you can be a source of help, care, and encouragement.  Time requirements vary based on need presented.   


The safety and security of our church family is always a top priority.  Each week, volunteers attend services and events, monitor activity spaces, walk through campus buildings, and patrol parking lots to ensure the safety of those worshipping and learning.  If you have a keen eye, a discerning insight, and a protective nature, consider volunteering on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Time requirements are 30 minutes before each service, the duration of the service, and 15 minutes after each service.

Greeter  & Guest Services
Leader: Pam Werner
Coffee Shop
Leader: Greg Holestin (gholestin@outlook.com)
Nurserys (Infant-Toddler)
Leader: Christie Harrell (charrell@gatewaycrusaders.com)
Worship (Singer, Band, Drama) 
Leader: Greg Harrell (gharrell@gatewaycrusaders.com)
Leader: Brent Patrick
Kids Worship (Sunday)
Leader: Joshua Horne
AWANA (Wednesday)
Leader: Joshua Horne
Upward Sports Soccer 
Leader: Joshua Horne (jhorne@gatewaychurchvb.org)
Senior Saints
Leader: Tommy Goodfellow (tgoodfellow120@gmail.com) 
Leader: Mike Minter (mikedminter@gmail.com)
Media & Tech Team
Leader: Joshua Horne
Benevolence & Hospitality
Leader: Sam Postlewaite (spostlewaite@gatewaycrusaders.com)
Leader: Sam Postlewaite
Leader: Rick Edwards (mdepart@gatewaychurchvb.org)