Senior Adults
The Senior Adult Ministry of Gateway Church is for the purpose of fellowship, discipleship, encouragement, and fun. Our senior adults are some of the most Godly, wisest, and entertaining groups in our church. Whether married, widowed, or single, you can experience community through weekly Bible studies, bi-weekly dinners, and exciting monthly trips. Check out our Events Page for ways you can plug into this group. For more details or information, contact the church office.
Weekly Bible Studies
The Faithful Servants LifeGroup meets on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM in the Chapel.
Bi-Weekly Dinners
“Saints Alive Dinners” take place every other Friday at 4:00 pm in the Social Hall. This gathering is a time of fellowship, food, prayer, games, and laughter. Most dinners are potluck based on the dinner’s theme.
Monthly Trips
Senior Adults are invited to participate in monthly day trips to local and state attractions. Most of these trips leave early in the morning and return that afternoon, and they will always include a great meal together!